Dear Friend,
Labor Day Weekend is here and with the bustle of back-to-school and fall season preparations on the horizon, I hope you take this holiday weekend to enjoy a last hurrah of summer. Below is an update on recent state meetings, as well as other relevant local news and community events.
School is in Session
Classes have resumed in Richmond’s public schools and institutions of higher education. The return of students at our schools underlines the crucial message to not speed and drive defensively. Tragic deaths of VCU students in the past few years are fresh on many minds and we can all do our part to keep our students safe at VCU, VUU, RPS schools, as well as the numerous private schools in and around Richmond. In addition to promoting student safety, many RPS school zones now feature photo-speed ticketing devices.
Joint Money Committee
The Joint Money Committee met August 14, to receive remarks from Governor Youngkin as well as updates on state revenues and forecasts for the Virginia economy. The General Assembly and the Governor adopted a budget that was prudent in spending, recognizing forecasts of an economic recession for mid to late 2024. This recession has not yet materialized, and the state is looking at $1.2 billion in surplus revenues. Should forecasts remain optimistic, the General Assembly will deliberate the best use of these funds in the upcoming session. The Governor made it clear in his remarks that he would like to see the revenue surplus put to tax relief and some more pressing investments. Chairman of House Appropriations, Delegate Luke Torian, expressed the House’s sentiment that excess revenues are not a surplus if crucial infrastructure is underfunded such as our public education system, in addition to needed conservation and climate mitigation investments, as well as many pressing healthcare infrastructure needs.You can read more about the meeting and Virginia’s fiscal status in this article from The Richmond Times-Dispatch. You can watch a recording of the meeting at this link and find the agenda and presentation at this link.
Health & Human Resources Committee Boot Camp
The members of the Health & Human Services Committee as well as the Health & Human Resources Subcommittee of Appropriations met August 19 & 20 for a legislative healthcare boot camp. August 19, was focused on all things medicaid including how it is funded, how policies are set, and the application of medicaid in long term care centers. You can watch a recording of these presentations at this link. The following day was focused on behavioral health, intellectual disabilities, and developmental disabilities. You can watch those presentations at this link.
Medicaid Policy Conference
Medicaid represents the second highest expenditure in state government budgets. One out of five citizens is enrolled in medicaid. At the invitation of the Council of State Governments (CSG), I joined legislators from other states including Illinois, Mississippi, Vermont, Hawaii, North Carolina, South Dakota and West Virginia to attend a "Medicaid Policy Academy" in Washington, D.C., August 26-28. Topics explored or analyzed included eligibility, enrollment and governance, oversight of state medicaid programs, private sector health interests in innovations and health care delivery, and state medicaid innovations. Future challenges facing the medicaid program include workforce shortages, shifts in eligibility and an outsized role in long-term care financing. In addition to having the opportunity to learn from other states' medicaid programs, as participants in the "Academy," we were introduced to many national experts helpful in various aspects of this very complex subject. You can find the agenda and the presentations from this conference at the CSG website.
Martin Luther King Commission
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Commission met August 21 to hear from Dr. Gianluca De Fazio on Lynchings in Virginia, as well as to establish a work plan and create work groups. You can watch a recording of the meeting, including Dr. De Fazio’s presentation, at this link.
Richmond’s Combined Sewer Overflow Project
Richmond’s Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Project was approved by the Department of Environmental Quality. The City submitted a final plan that was able to drastically cut costs from $1.3 billion down to around $650 million. You can read more about the history of Richmond’s CSO system, and the decades long maintenance that has been required in this article from The Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Sierra Club at the Science Museum
The Sierra Club will host programming at the Science Museum’s RF&P Forum Room on the second Tuesday of each month. The next meeting will be September 10, 7pm and include a meet & greet with environmental advocates from the Sierra Club and the Science Museum. More information available here.
VCU Minority Political Leadership Institute
VCU’s Minority Political Leadership Institute (MPLI) is accepting applications for their next cohort. If accepted, participants undergo an eight month curriculum that includes everything from policy deep-dives and meeting with lawmakers and state administrators to assisting with public service projects and undergoing leadership development. You can learn more and apply here.
Virginia She Served Business Builder Program
The Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity has launched the “Virginia She Served Business Builder (VS2B2)” program to support Virginia’s military women. VS2B2 will support actively serving, reservist, veteran women, and military or veteran spouses who are interested in creating a small business or expanding their current one. The VS2B2 will provide a free virtual curriculum with essential skills and training. To learn more and apply, visit this website.
Virginia Public Media Groundbreaking
Virginia Public Media (VPM) has broken ground on their new headquarters located at the former surface parking lot between 1st & Foushee Streets on East Broad Street. VPM is expecting to move into their new headquarters by early 2026. You can learn more about the project in this article from VPM.
Flu Season
As summer winds down and students return to class, we inch closer to flu season as well as other seasonal increases in illness. The Richmond City Health District has numerous resources to help you and your loved ones stay well this fall and winter. Visit their website for more information. Additionally, other resources can be found in pharmacies across the Richmond area. For example, Walmart has recently opened testing and treatment at all locations for Flu, COVID-19, and Strep. You can learn more here. Similar services are provided at pharmacies like CVS.
Thank You
It is an honor to serve in the House of Delegates. Please never hesitate to contact me at or 804-698-1078 if I can be helpful to you.